Sale price$20.00


Location: Celly Sports & Games (#131 5330 72 AVE SE, CALGARY ALBERTA)

Date: March 16, 2025

Registration Time: 9:00am - 9:45am

Start Time: 10:00am

Entry: $20

**Please note that the START time is the start of the event. Players need to be present and ready at that time in order to get entered into the event. If you are Late or Cannot make it without 24 Notice, your entry is non-refundable**


TCG Standard
35 Minutes - Best of ONE - Swiss Rounds
75 Minutes - Best of THREE - Top 8 Cut

Please bring your own damage counters, a legal randomizer, and your Play! Pokemon trainer ID.


  • 1st place in each age category will receive a league cup champion playmat.
  • All other prizing will given out as store credit (Prizing will scale depending on number of participants)

You've experienced League Challenges, but you yearn for more. Your drive to be the best burns like never before - the time to battle against your league champions has arrived! Pokémon TCG League Cups are the largest local-level premier event which award Championship Points for entry into the 2024 World Championships.

Players will play a Swiss plus Top Cut tournament with their own 60 card deck adhering to the Standard (Regulation F and onwards) format.

Decklists will be required.

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